What is Your Personality Profile?
I am an Artist!
Artists are warm-hearted, gentle
people who take their commitments seriously and seek lifelong partnerships.
They are very private people, and keep their true feelings and opinions
reserved or hidden from others. This may cause them to constantly defer
to their partner in their intimate relationships, which may cause problems
if their partners are not extremely aware of the artist's feelings. Some
artists who are in the habit of not expressing their needs and feelings
find themselves in situations where they feel overshadowed, or overlooked
by others. Highly practical and cynical by nature, these feelings may cause
the artist to become bitter, and to give up on their relationships, or to
start using their relationship for their own personal gain. Although this
problem is observed sometimes in the artist type, it does not seem to be
present in those artists who consistently express their feelings with those
closest to them. These artists have a very positive, warm outlook on life
and love, and are not likely to find themselves in relationships where they
are taken for granted or taken advantage of. Artists go to great lengths
to please their partners. They're very loyal and supportive, with a large
capacity for love. They hate conflict and discord, and highly value being
seen and understood for who they are. They need space to live their lives
in their unique way, and will respect other's need for space as well. They
are naturally compatible with: givers and caregivers.